Climate Leadership Academy Green Jobs for Cities
May 24, 2010 - May 26, 2010 • Washington, DC
Blackstone Ranch Institute is continuing its multi-year support for the gatherings of the Climate Leadership Academy, which was founded in 2009 by the Institute for Sustainable Communities in Vermont. The academy brings together up to 50 city government sustainability staff at a time to concentrate in small work groups on particular areas of concern to city sustainability efforts and develop ways to collaborate. The academy is the only entity of its kind devoted to ongoing education and mentoring of both experienced and recent government sustainability officials.
This year’s gathering will include representatives from 12 cities and be devoted to collaborative efforts on the creation of green jobs. The Institute for Sustainable Communities is partnering with Living Cities. Blackstone Ranch Institute and the Rockefeller Foundation funded an inception gathering in 2009 devoted to urban transportation.
Institute for Sustainable Communities
The Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) mission is to help communities around the world address environmental, economic and social challenges to build a better future that can be shared by...