Forest Ethics Do Not Mail Campaign Corporate Dialogs
Fall 2008 •
Forest Ethics is continuing its dialogs with mail order and catalog companies in an attempt to reduce the volume of junk mail in North America. After a year of private dialogs with individual companies, the organization met with members of the Direct Marketing Association and other environmental organizations working on junk mail to discuss ways of developing a system that would give consumers discretionary control over the catalogues they do receive, and obligate companies to send catalogs only to those who want them. This will give companies the opportunity to be involved in the solution, and substantially reduce the volume of lumber harvested from old growth forests.
Blackstone Ranch Institute is continuing its support of the dialogs as part of the Forest Ethics broader Do Not Mail campaign. (formerly Forest Ethics)
Founded in 1994, ForestEthics is a nonprofit environmental organization with staff in Canada, the United States and Chile. “Our mission is to protect Endangered Forests. The ForestEthics Approach is based...