Native-Anglo Land Trust Summit Hero Image

Native-Anglo Land Trust Summit

May 20, 2014 - May 22, 2014 • Pescadero, CA

The Center for Whole Communities is partnering with Ernie Atencio of Land and Culture Consulting in Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico to convene an historic gathering that will bring together leaders of established national land trusts with leaders of Native land trusts in the United States. The objective is to build and repair relationships and identify new ways to work together to expand land and culture conservation in this country. The convening will identify potential future collaborations between leading white land trusts and native land trusts. The gathering is part of a broader effort to make existing land trusts more responsive to community priorities and needs, and make the resources and knowledge of land that both communities possess available to one another.

Blackstone Ranch Institute has provided a grant to support the gathering. Part of the grant will insure that participants from native trusts who might not otherwise be able to attend will be able to participate. The Kalliopeia Foundation provided the original grant for the gathering.

The Center for Whole Communities

The Center for Whole Communities is a land-based leadership development organization that is dedicated to nurturing the relationship between people and the land.It works with the different sectors of the...

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