Strategic Dialogs: Cleaning Up Canada’s Tar Sands
Fall 2009 •
Forest Ethics is launching a multi-faceted civic campaign to start cleaning up the Canadian Tar Sands. The Canadian Tar Sands (in the province of Alberta) are the largest provider of oil to the United States and amount to what may be the dirtiest of all resource extraction projects in the world.
By encouraging companies that fuel their national transport fleets with Tar Sands oil to switch to more renewable sources, starting a high profile media/celebrity campaign, and enlisting the help of some cities that rely on Tar Sands oil for their transport fleets, Forest Ethics aims to encourage awareness of alternative fuel sources and force companies working on the Tar Sands to start a serious clean up campaign.
Blackstone Ranch Institute is providing funding for corporate and celebrity dialogs.

Stand.earth (formerly Forest Ethics)
Founded in 1994, ForestEthics is a nonprofit environmental organization with staff in Canada, the United States and Chile. “Our mission is to protect Endangered Forests. The ForestEthics Approach is based...