The Human Environment
An increasing number of communities are starting to re-examine the relationships between the health of their citizens, the quality of the foods they eat, the buildings they inhabit and the ecological impact of agricultural and building practices on their environments.Truly healthy diets depend upon a variety of naturally grown vegetables and animals, and the agricultural practices that support them can contribute to preservation of biodiversity and healthy ecosystems. Similarly, the buildings we live and work in have a direct effect on collective energy use, the physical and esthetic qualities of our daily lives, and their surrounding environments.It is at the intersection of personal health and our immediate environments that broader environmental concerns have the most direct impact on individual lives.At Blackstone we have sought to support initiatives that can take the growing emergence of local initiatives to national scales.

Winter 2011
Sustainable Smallholder Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
- National Geographic Society
- Benin, West Africa

Feb 3, 2011 - Feb 4, 2011
Slow Money Alliance National Leadership Formation
- Slow Money
- Berkeley, California

Mar 10, 2010 - Mar 11, 2010
New Mexico Food System Summit
- Bioneers
- Santa Fe, New Mexico

October 22, 2009
Environmental Health Curricula for Medical Schools
- Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine
- Tucson, Arizona

Dec 1, 2008 - Dec 5, 2008
Grasslands Carbon Working Group
- Holistic Management International
- Santa Fe, New Mexico

Oct 16, 2008 - Oct 20, 2008
National Green Plans at Bioneers Annual Conference
- Bioneers
- San Rafael, California

June 1, 2008
Biologist at the Design Table Training
- Biomimicry 3.8 Institute
- Missoula, Montana